PCA Garden Tour
Our community and Calgary as a whole responded positively to the Parkdale Garden Tour that was started in 2021.
The Parkdale Community Garden's annual Parkdale Garden Tour will be held this year on Saturday June 24, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. This is a self-guided tour of 1 back yard and 15 front yard gardens from 29th ST NW to 37th ST NW. Calgary. Detailed maps will be available at the Parkdale Community Garden on June 24th.
The 2023 event remains mostly self-guided and a more laid-back day where people can talk with the gardeners. This year's tour will be held early in late June rather than in July and August.
Map of Garden Tour
Garden Tour Guidelines
Step only on sidewalks / pathways and lawns. Absolutely no walking in among plants. We encourage enjoying the plants from a reasonable distance.
Do not touch anything that is the owners' property; absolutely no picking flowers or plants.
No smoking on owners' property.
No pets on owners' property; keep pets to the sidewalk if they are joining you.
Do not ring owners' doorbells. Some may be outside from time to time and available to chat.
Parents must ensure children follow these guidelines.
Participation is at your own risk. Neither the PCA nor the tour homeowners are responsible for any damage to yourself, others, your property, or the property of others.