Our Programs
At Parkdale Community Association we have many internal programs to enhance and promote Parkdale to become the most vibrant inner city community within in Calgary.
Community Soccer
Ready to Kick?
PCA Youth Soccer offers recreational soccer programs for ages U4 to U19. We will benefit from the extensive knowledge and experience from all the volunteer trainers, and coaches in every age group , providing our members with an amazing community outdoor soccer experience.
Community Garden
Welcome to the online home for the Parkdale Garden and Gathering Space, where our residents & members of the PCA can enjoy enhanced opportunities to share, learn and play together. Our aim is to add to the cultural experience and vibrant energy of our community by offering a venue for many kinds of wonderful activities, along with pure gardening.

Jane's Walk Parkdale
Jane’s Walk is a movement of free, citizen-led walking conversations inspired by Jane Jacobs. It encourages people to share stories about their neighbourhoods, discover unseen aspects of their communities, and use walking as a way to connect with their neighbours.
In Parkdale, we have Marcel and Marilynne Hebert to thank, who have graciously shared with us this information so to share with our community some of the history of Parkdale for our Jane’s Historical Walk in Parkdale.